PODCAST- E50 - A TRE Pioneer's Journey ft. Joan McDonald

May 31, 2024
Joan McDonald's pioneering journey with TRE has had a profound impact on the field of trauma therapy and well-being. Her dedication, vision, and expertise have contributed immensely to the development and dissemination of this powerful modality. TRE continues to gain recognition for its ability to address trauma and chronic stress, fostering resilience and well-being in individuals and communities worldwide.

In a recent episode of the Red Beard Embodiment podcast, host Alex Greene spoke with Joan McDonald, a pioneer in the field of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE).  Joan shared her journey with TRE, from her early experiences with bioenergetics to her role in developing the TRE curriculum. She discussed the challenges of the early days of TRE, as well as the satisfaction of bringing TRE to the world. Macdonald also highlighted the growing body of research supporting TRE's effectiveness and its potential for future applications in humanitarian settings and educational programs. The podcast episode  provides a valuable perspective on the history and development of TRE and its potential for the future.

The Genesis of Joan's TRE Journey

Joan's odyssey with TRE commenced in 2003 during her bioenergetics psychotherapist training. It was at a conference where she was introduced to TRE that Joan promptly recognized its immense potential for humanitarian work. Her heart stirred with a desire to bring something of a humanitarian nature to Nepal, a country she had visited in 2001, and TRE emerged as the perfect fit.

The Unique Allure of TRE

Joan eloquently describes the distinction between TRE and traditional therapy, underscoring TRE's emphasis on the body's inherent mechanism for generating tremors. This pure, non-therapeutic approach resonates deeply with Joan, who views it as a way to let the body follow its own innate wisdom. Joan contrasts this with bioenergetics, which involves more overt therapeutic interventions.

Joan's Vision for TRE's Global Reach

Joan's vision for TRE extended far beyond personal use. Recognizing the language-independent nature of TRE, she envisioned it as a tool capable of transcending cultural and linguistic barriers. This aspect dovetailed perfectly with her desire to bring TRE to Nepal, a country where she had felt a profound sense of purpose during her previous visit.

Joan's Path to Becoming a TRE Trainer

Eager to learn more about TRE and explore the possibility of becoming a trainer, Joan enthusiastically reached out to David Berceli, the founder of TRE. Following their initial conversations, Joan embarked on a two-year apprenticeship under David's tutelage, during which she developed her unique teaching style and gained invaluable experience.

Joan's Contributions to TRE's Development

Joan played a pivotal role in the development of the original TRE curriculum, working alongside other key founding members. Their collaborative efforts culminated in the establishment of a comprehensive global certification training program that remains widely utilized today. Joan's dedication and expertise led to her becoming a supervising trainer for Alex Greene, who subsequently became a TRE trainer himself.

TRE's Impact and Future Potential

Joan reflects on the tremendous work that has been poured into making TRE what it is today, expressing her joy at being a part of this remarkable journey. She acknowledges the invaluable contributions of the volunteers who dedicated their time and effort in the early days, and shares her vision for TRE's future potential. Joan envisions TRE becoming a globally recognized modality for addressing trauma and promoting well-being.

Joan McDonald's pioneering journey with TRE has had a profound impact on the field of trauma therapy and well-being. Her dedication, vision, and expertise have contributed immensely to the development and dissemination of this powerful modality. TRE continues to gain recognition for its ability to address trauma and chronic stress, fostering resilience and well-being in individuals and communities worldwide.

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