PODCAST-E57 A Sound Engineer's Journey into TRE ft. Sam Curtis

September 6, 2024
What happens when a sound engineer dives deep into the human nervous system? In this episode of Red Beard Embodiment podcast, host Alex Greene sits down with Sam Curtis, a seasoned sound engineer who has worked with music legends like Michael Jackson and David Bowie. Sam shares his unexpected journey from the world of music to becoming a passionate advocate for nervous system health and trauma healing.

In this new episode of the Red Beard Embodiment podcast, host Alex Greene delves into the extraordinary life of Sam Curtis, a seasoned sound engineer whose path took an unexpected turn towards trauma therapy. Sam's story is a testament to the interconnectedness of our experiences, the power of the human nervous system, and the transformative potential of healing modalities like TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) and Internal Family Systems (IFS).

A Life in Sound: 

Sam's journey began with a childhood immersed in music, leading him to a successful career as a sound engineer, working with legendary artists like Michael Jackson and David Bowie. His technical expertise and deep understanding of sound laid the groundwork for his later exploration of the nervous system.

The Breaking Point:

 Years of demanding work and a high-stress lifestyle led Sam to a breaking point, marked by a near-death experience in the Yukon. This wake-up call prompted him to re-evaluate his priorities and seek a path towards healing and self-discovery.

Discovering TRE: 

Sam's wife, Kelly, a bodyworker and nervous system health specialist, introduced him to TRE, a somatic therapy that utilizes neurogenic tremors to release deep-seated tension and trauma. Sam's initial skepticism gave way to profound personal transformation as he experienced the power of TRE to resolve past traumas and reconnect with his authentic self.

The Intersection of Sound and Trauma: 

Sam's background in sound engineering provided a unique lens through which to understand the impact of sound on the nervous system. He recognized the potential for music to both trigger and heal trauma, and he began to explore the intersection of these two seemingly disparate fields.

Embracing IFS:

 Sam's curiosity about the nervous system led him to Internal Family Systems (IFS), a therapeutic model that views the mind as a collection of sub-personalities or "parts." IFS provided Sam with a framework to understand and work with the different parts of himself, fostering greater self-awareness and integration.

A New Frontier: 

Sam envisions a future where TRE and IFS are integrated into a holistic approach to healing trauma. He is passionate about making these modalities accessible to marginalized communities and those who have traditionally been underserved by the mental health system.

Sam Curtis's story is a powerful reminder that our paths in life are not always linear, and that unexpected detours can lead to profound personal growth and transformation. His journey from sound engineer to trauma therapist highlights the importance of listening to our bodies, honoring our experiences, and seeking support when needed. Sam's work is a testament to the power of the human spirit to heal and evolve, and his story is sure to inspire anyone who is on their own path of self-discovery and healing.

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