Anna Sólyom

Anna Sólyom is a psychosomatic therapist and Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, assisting individuals in harmonizing the connection between their body and mind to attain optimal health. Anna is also certified as an Ancestral Medicine practitioner.

Born in Budapest, Anna now resides in Barcelona since 2012. In 2008 she lived a year as a philosophy Ph.D. student in Santiago, Chile. She holds an MA in philosophy and has worked for years with international relations as a project manager in the field of international development and elections. Anna is also a writer, has published all together four books and is a regular contributor with Spain’s leading printed wellness magazine, CuerpoMente. Her first novel has been translated into 14 languages.

Anna has been dedicated to learning various therapeutic techniques since she was a teenager. She is a psychosomatic therapist and works with different techniques to help individuals return to the body to regain well-being and health. She also guides group processes and leads retreats. 

Anna started working with meditation, kinesiology, and Reiki Ushui Shiki Ryoko as a hobby, and at some point, she learned Swedish sports massage. In 2014, Anna discovered Craniosacral Therapy from the hands of an Australian osteopath, Philip Bingham D.O., who became her first teacher of this healing art.

Between 2016 and 2018, Anna did a deep dive into Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, which is the basis of her work. Since 2018, she has been a professional craniosacral therapist and accredited member of the Spanish Association of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Anna also practices TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) and became a certified TRE®  provider in early 2019. Presently she is a TRE® Certification Trainer and a member of the Spanish Association of TRE®.

Anna's work also includes mindfulness techniques, guided meditations, body awareness, and conscious movement practices. Besides, she has been following the work of Miranda Gray since 2013 and got initiated in her womb healing practice  and Feminine Energy Awakening. Anna has been a level 3 Moon Mother® and remote practitioner since 2022. .

Book a session with Anna today and take the first step towards returning to your body and regaining your well-being and health.

Qualifications & Training

  • Compassionate Inquiry certified practitioner  
  • Ancestral Medicine certified practitioner
  • Biodynamic Craniosacral and Cardiovascular Therapist
  • TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) Provider and TRE® Trainer Trainee
  • Level 3 Moon Mother® 

Primary Teachers

  • Dr. Gábor Maté
  • Dr. Daniel Foor
  • Philip Bingham
  • Cristina Ratti
  • Carlos Rodeiro 
  • Miranda Gray
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What My Clients Say

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"By the end of the tenth session, I could hardly believe the transformation that took place over time. Only by looking back to session one can I truly appreciate how far I’ve come. The changes were incremental, and minuscule at times, but that’s how lasting change eventuates."

Laura Thomas

"Eleven months ago, at the age of 22, I had a spinal repair of my L5-S1 vertebrae. This was the last resort to continuing back issues from the age of 10.  I am currently pain free and have not felt this good in a very long time.  If bodywork is desired, then Alex is the person to see."

Michael Locasto

"As a licensed therapeutic bodyworker myself, I choose Alex as my bodywork therapist.  It is the focus, self-authenticity, and centered presence that Alex brings to his work that truly makes him a gifted healer."

Courtney Cowie, LMBT

"He works with both confidence and curiosity, and has a special ability to hold space for his clients free from judgement and expectation. As a result of this work I now inhabit my body in new ways."

Annemarie Kalson

"For the last 15+ years I’ve learned to function outside of my body as a method to suppress emotions and also as a protective means in an effort to deal with chronic pain. Not only has Ellen helped me find the ability to listen to my body, but she helped me find my voice and confidence, both of which I was previously greatly lacking. Ellen was a voice of strength when celebrating my success, and she also provided unwavering support when some of the work brought up “old stuff” that felt scary for a short time. To infer that the work we’ve done together has been transformational would truly be an understatement. Not only has my physical pain reduced, my relationships with my family and partner have flourished due to my ability to regulate myself and effectively communicate needs and hold appropriate boundaries. I am so grateful to Ellen for all she has done, and I look forward to continuing our work together as we continue to work on releasing the chronic stress and tension in my body, helping to calm my nervous system, and ultimately move toward an even more comfortable state of embodiment."

"Working with Ellen one-on-one was an incredible deep dive into self-knowledge through experiencing my body. Where Ellen shines is her talent for creating a space for exploration that is gentle, honest, safe, and empowering all at once. Ellen’s knowledge and expertise are clear, but her approach is one of partnership. And it works! I clearly see the physical and emotional results."

"I've always been someone who'd rather be in the library than at the gym. So when I seriously herniated a disc in my lower back, I was completely unprepared for the recovery process. The injury was very bad, and I had to have surgery for pain relief. The surgery was successful, but for many years my core and leg muscles remained incredibly weak and intractable, and I was living with chronic nerve pain in my legs.

Then, after multiple unsuccessful rounds of physical therapy, I met Ellen, and working with her changed my life. She met me where I was with my body and mind-body connection, which felt like rock bottom. She taught me fundamental somatics exercises for recovering command of my body, and radical knowledge for developing my own daily somatics practices. It's not an exaggeration to say her therapy renewed my relationship with myself. Today I feel more cognizant and comfortable in my body than I've ever felt before in my life. My daily life isn't organized around nerve pain anymore, and I'm able to relax and move again. I actually feel more desire to move and grow than ever before. I can't testify to her work and wisdom enthusiastically enough."

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