Vanessa Allard

With 14 years of experience and extensive training in the fields of bodywork, somatic therapy, and coaching, Vanessa brings a unique combination of expertise that allows her to offer an integrative approach to health and wellness to the individuals and groups she works with. Vanessa grew up in a family of alternative health-care practitioners, and has been immersed in movement and somatics from a young age. She has dedicated her life to studying healing modalities and to her own deep personal work, which supports her in helping others learn more about who they are and their own innate capacities.

As a body-centered therapist and coach, Vanessa works holistically, intuitively, and relationally to help you access your innate ability to heal. Her style is interactive, and characterized by warmth, patience, and compassion. Vanessa uses an integrative approach and draws on a variety of modalities to support you. Whether you are coming in to work with a particular goal or modality, or are unsure of what it is you want or need, together she will help you to create a comprehensive plan to support you in reaching your goals for change.


  • Attachment Issues
  • Chronic Pain
  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Feeling “stuck”
  • Grief & Loss
  • Life Purpose & Life Transitions
  • Overwhelm
  • PTSD
  • Relationship Issues
  • Self-esteem & Perfectionism
  • Sexuality
  • Shame
  • Stress
  • Trauma


  • Regulate the nervous system to improve sleep, digestion, and overall health.
  • Resolve symptoms of trauma or chronic stress.
  • Find a deeper life purpose.
  • Cultivate a compassionate relationship with yourself and others.
  • Create new habits and ways of being in alignment with your desired life.
  • Reduce autoimmune issues, insomnia, and chronic pain.
  • Access your own innate ability to heal.
  • Expand capacity to connect and communicate authentically.
  • Develop individualized home practices and routines that result in the healing you desire.


  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
  • TRE® Provider - Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises
  • Presence-Based Coaching
  • Internal Family Systems Therapist
  • DARe Attachment coaching
  • Certified Rolfer - Rolf Institute Structural Integration
  • Authentic Relating Training
  • Nonviolent Communication Training
  • Feldenkrais Professional Training
  • Hierarchy of Movement Training
  • Licensed Massage Therapist - Boulder College of Massage Therapy
  • Barral Visceral Manipulation Training
  • D’Ambrogio Institute Total Body Balancing
  • Upledger Craniosacral Therapy Training
What My Clients Say

"I started working with Vanessa at the beginning of the pandemic and I can honestly say I don't know how I would have gotten through these past years without her. She has taught me new ways to deal with stress and has helped me learn to find loving compassion towards myself. I am so grateful for Vanessa, and I look forward to each week as a sacred space for healing, growth, and understanding. She is simply the best."

- Barbara T.

What My Clients Say

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What My Clients Say

"I feel so lucky to have found Vanessa when I did. She helped me tremendously after my mother's death when I was really struggling. Vanessa supported me every step of the way with my grief and helped me find healthier ways of coping. I feel so grateful to have her on my support team and I could not recommend her more." - Katrina D.

What My Clients Say

"Vanessa truly knows how to listen in a way that makes me feel heard and understood. She is skilled at meeting me where I am and helping me find clarity in my direction in life. Our Internal Family Systems sessions have changed my life! I'm better at home, with my kids, at work, and for myself."  

- Donna R.

What My Clients Say

"I started working with Vanessa at the beginning of the pandemic and I can honestly say I don't know how I would have gotten through these past years without her. She has taught me new ways to deal with stress and has helped me learn to find loving compassion towards myself. I am so grateful for Vanessa, and I look forward to each week as a sacred space for healing, growth, and understanding. She is simply the best."

- Barbara T.

What My Clients Say

"My experience working with Vanessa has been incredibly rewarding. When I first started I was struggling with high anxiety and insomnia. My personal life and work-life were chaotic and I felt agitated. Through our Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems sessions, I started to feel hope for the first time in years.  Not only have I learned skills to work with and understand my anxiety, but I have also experienced what feels like a re-wiring of my nervous system, where the things that used to trigger me no longer do. Thank you, Vanessa, for your awesome guidance and support! " - Leo P.

What My Clients Say

"Vanessa’s approach of working with Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems was new to me, but after our first few sessions, all my skepticism disappeared as I found myself sleeping better, feeling less reactive with my family and friends, and generally finding more pleasure in my life. " - Nina R.

"By the end of the tenth session, I could hardly believe the transformation that took place over time. Only by looking back to session one can I truly appreciate how far I’ve come. The changes were incremental, and minuscule at times, but that’s how lasting change eventuates."

Laura Thomas

"Eleven months ago, at the age of 22, I had a spinal repair of my L5-S1 vertebrae. This was the last resort to continuing back issues from the age of 10.  I am currently pain free and have not felt this good in a very long time.  If bodywork is desired, then Alex is the person to see."

Michael Locasto

"As a licensed therapeutic bodyworker myself, I choose Alex as my bodywork therapist.  It is the focus, self-authenticity, and centered presence that Alex brings to his work that truly makes him a gifted healer."

Courtney Cowie, LMBT

"He works with both confidence and curiosity, and has a special ability to hold space for his clients free from judgement and expectation. As a result of this work I now inhabit my body in new ways."

Annemarie Kalson

"For the last 15+ years I’ve learned to function outside of my body as a method to suppress emotions and also as a protective means in an effort to deal with chronic pain. Not only has Ellen helped me find the ability to listen to my body, but she helped me find my voice and confidence, both of which I was previously greatly lacking. Ellen was a voice of strength when celebrating my success, and she also provided unwavering support when some of the work brought up “old stuff” that felt scary for a short time. To infer that the work we’ve done together has been transformational would truly be an understatement. Not only has my physical pain reduced, my relationships with my family and partner have flourished due to my ability to regulate myself and effectively communicate needs and hold appropriate boundaries. I am so grateful to Ellen for all she has done, and I look forward to continuing our work together as we continue to work on releasing the chronic stress and tension in my body, helping to calm my nervous system, and ultimately move toward an even more comfortable state of embodiment."

"Working with Ellen one-on-one was an incredible deep dive into self-knowledge through experiencing my body. Where Ellen shines is her talent for creating a space for exploration that is gentle, honest, safe, and empowering all at once. Ellen’s knowledge and expertise are clear, but her approach is one of partnership. And it works! I clearly see the physical and emotional results."

"I've always been someone who'd rather be in the library than at the gym. So when I seriously herniated a disc in my lower back, I was completely unprepared for the recovery process. The injury was very bad, and I had to have surgery for pain relief. The surgery was successful, but for many years my core and leg muscles remained incredibly weak and intractable, and I was living with chronic nerve pain in my legs.

Then, after multiple unsuccessful rounds of physical therapy, I met Ellen, and working with her changed my life. She met me where I was with my body and mind-body connection, which felt like rock bottom. She taught me fundamental somatics exercises for recovering command of my body, and radical knowledge for developing my own daily somatics practices. It's not an exaggeration to say her therapy renewed my relationship with myself. Today I feel more cognizant and comfortable in my body than I've ever felt before in my life. My daily life isn't organized around nerve pain anymore, and I'm able to relax and move again. I actually feel more desire to move and grow than ever before. I can't testify to her work and wisdom enthusiastically enough."

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